Automotive Tips from Auto Pro Troy: Making Your A/C System Last Longer
May 31, 2017
Troy drivers know that if their air conditioning system isnt making cool air like it used to, there is a problem. It may be as simple as adding more of the right kind of refrigerant.Your A/C requires special compressor oil, which circulates through the system along with the refrigerant, to lubric... More

What Troy Customers like About Us at Auto Pro Troy
May 22, 2017
A big part of the service we provide at Auto Pro Troy for our Troy customers is education. We want you to feel confident with your service decisions. And we're always open to questions from our valued Troy area customers. Even though we try to be proactive in our Auto Pro Troy automotive educatio... More

10 Services Troy Drivers Often Overlook
May 16, 2017
We live such busy lives nowadays: work, social events, running the kids all over Troy. Some days it's all we can do to keep track of everywhere we need to be. That's why you've gotta be organized. Smartphones, calendar apps - we have to keep track of it all.So let's talk about schedules. Specifi... More

Charge It in Troy for Extended Battery Life
May 10, 2017
Here's an interesting statistic for our in Troy, Michigan, drivers: Only 30 percent of car batteries make it to 48 months. And the life expectancy varies by where you live. It ranges from 51 months in extremely cold areas to just 30 months in extremely hot climates.Why is that? It turns out that... More

How to Prevent Vehicle Damage from Cold Weather
May 2, 2017
Heads up: AVOID Cold-Temp Vehicle Damage! Cold temperatures cause the fluids in your vehicle to thicken, which reduces their ability to lubricate. If you've ever seen that Thanksgiving gravy turn into "glop" when you put it the refrigerator, then you get the basic idea. When it's warm, gra... More